Hey! My name's Connor, and I'm a Canadian part-time freelance artist spiritually inhabiting the woods somewhere.
I draw huge influence from retro & fantasy graphic design, which are things I'm hugely passionate about day to day.
I love working with painted textures, creating weird little critters, and drawing swords. lots of swords.


Where/how can I commission you?As of now, I only take commissions via my Patreon for $5+ tiers. I will happily do public quotes, but commission slots are patrons only.
Do you take trades/requests?I don't do requests no- trades are often taken privately, but I'd make a post if I ever decided to take on public trades.
Can I references your art/this pose?Pose referencing is completely fine, as is any techniques you might want to try out. I am incredibly uncomfortable with my style being heavily referenced, and I ask that people refrain from doing so. I don't allow replication of my pieces or tracing of any kind.
What do you use for digital art?PROCREATE on iPad pro 11 inch & Gen 2 apple pencil.
What brushes are you using for digital art?I use a mixture of custom, paid, and free downloaded brushes! I give out custom brushes on my $8 Patreon tier, and I also link any packs I download or purchase in my server.
What do you use for traditional art?copics, promarkers, posca paint pens, pitt artist pens, sakura gellyroll pens, 145lb bristol & mixed media paper